This page describes how to manage the site with reference to the processing of personal data of users who consult it. This is the information provided pursuant to art. 13 of the European Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter, for brevity, "Regulation") to those who interact with the company's web services. The information is provided only for this site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links. The disclosure identifies some minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online, and contains the information that the data controllers must provide to users when they connect to web pages, regardless of the purpose of the connection. Any specific summary information will be progressively reported or displayed on the pages of the site set up for particular services on request.
Following consultation of this site, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed. The "Owner" of their treatment is SM Digital Solutions di Marchetti Simone, with registered office in Via Gandhi 36, 41122 Modena (MO) – Italy, in the person of the pro-tempore Legal Representative ("the Company" or "the Owner") . The Data Protection Officer appointed is Mr. Simone Marchetti, email address:
Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are canceled immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site: except for this eventuality, the data on web contacts do not currently persist for more than 14 months.
The site uses automatic data collection systems that are not directly released by users, such as cookies. Cookies are small text files that can be sent and recorded on the user's computer by the websites visited and then sent back to these sites when the user logs in again. In this way the website can automatically adapt to the user, for example by sending him content in a format compatible with the browser used, or with certain display settings (style, colours, etc.). Depending on their characteristics and functions, there are various types of cookies that can be saved on your computer for different periods of time.
Types of cookies and related purposes
The cookies used on this website are of the following types:
1. Technical cookies: they allow the user to navigate quickly and optimally through the website and to use the services and/or various options it offers efficiently, allowing for example to make a purchase or authenticate to access areas reserved. These cookies are necessary to improve the usability of the website, but can still be deactivated.
2. Analysis cookies: they are anonymous and aggregated web analysis tools, which allow for information on how users use the website, how they got there, the number and duration of visits, etc. These cookies make it possible to introduce improvements to the website, which facilitate access by users and to compile statistics. These cookies are not necessary for the optimal usability of the website and therefore can be deactivated.
3. Third-party cookies: these are cookies installed on the user's terminal by third-party site managers, through this site. Third-party cookies, mainly for analysis purposes, mostly derive from the functions of Google Analytics. It is possible to get more information on Google Analytics by clicking on the following link:
4. Profiling cookies: these are cookies used to track the user's navigation on the net and create profiles on his tastes, habits, choices, etc. With these cookies, advertising messages can be transmitted to the user's terminal in line with the preferences already expressed by the same user when browsing online.
To disable cookies and to prevent Google Analytics from collecting navigation data, you can download the browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics by clicking on the following link:
For more information regarding the use of cookies through this site, including how to set the related preferences using your browser, please read the cookie policy.
Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message. The Data Controller also acquires common identification and contact data (e.g. personal data, address, telephone number, etc.) following the sending of requests by filling in the Form in the "Contacts" section of the site.
The collection and processing of personal data will be carried out for:
a) general purposes: the data will be processed to satisfy requests/questions. The personal data provided by users who request dispatch of informative material (estimates, catalogues, price lists, answers to queries, various deeds, etc.) will be processed for the sole purpose of performing the service or provision requested.
b) "direct marketing" purposes: the data may be used, only and exclusively with the free, optional, specific and explicit consent that can be revoked at any time, also for sending advertising material/communications by post, e-mail, telephone , whatsapp, sms, apps, newsletters and similar tools; after giving consent, the right of revocation is recognized, at any time and without charge.
Apart from that specified for navigation data, the provision of your data is optional and not mandatory. The refusal to provide the data or the complete opposition to their treatment for the purposes referred to in the previous paragraph, point a), may in any case make it impossible to satisfy certain requests; the refusal to use the data for direct marketing purposes (referred to in point b above), however, will not have any consequence on the recognition of advantages linked to promotions or on existing relationships.
The legal basis of the processing for the purposes referred to in the previous paragraph, letter a), is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in the management and administration of the site as well as in the improvement and development of the services provided online, pursuant to art. 6 par.1 lett. f). The prerequisite for lawfulness for the purposes referred to in the previous paragraph, letter b), is the consent freely expressed pursuant to art. 6, par. 1 lit. a) of the Regulation.
Personal data will be processed both with paper tools/supports and through electronic/IT/telematic systems, in full compliance with the law, according to principles of lawfulness and correctness and in order to protect confidentiality. Specific security measures will be observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. The treatments connected to the web services of this site will take place at the registered office of the Data Controller and will be processed only and exclusively by a small number of company representatives in the administrative, marketing, CED and commercial sectors, specifically authorized.
In compliance with the principle of necessity and proportionality, the data will be kept for the period strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. In detail, the data acquired for general purposes will be kept for the time necessary to meet the requests of the interested party. The data collected for direct marketing purposes will be kept for a maximum period of 24 months, without prejudice to any early withdrawal of consent.
The data may be communicated, subject to specific and explicit consent, for the correct fulfillment of the purposes referred to in points a) and b) above to the companies controlled by our company or connected to it (which act as independent data controllers and the whose information can be viewed on the respective websites) and set out in detail below: Cavalieri Garage, Cavalieri Garage & Co., RaceNetwork. The data may be shared with specific categories of recipients, such as subjects who can access the data under the provisions of the law, regulation or community legislation, within the limits set by these rules. Other subjects may become aware of personal data as external data processors or specially appointed data processors. An updated list of External Data Processors is available upon request. In no case will the personal data processed be disclosed.
Data will generally not be transferred outside the European Union; however, if for specific needs connected to the location of the services rendered by the suppliers, it is necessary to transfer the data to countries located outside the EU, even in countries that do not offer adequate protection, the Company undertakes to guarantee levels of protection and safeguard also of a contractual nature, adequate according to the applicable rules, including the stipulation of standard contractual clauses.
The user may exercise, in relation to the data processing described therein, the rights provided by the Regulation (articles 15-21), including:
> receive confirmation of the existence of your personal data and access their content (right of access);
> update, modify and/or correct your personal data (right to rectification);
> request the cancellation or limitation of the processing of data processed in violation of the law including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or otherwise processed (right to be forgotten and right to limitation);
> oppose the treatment (right of opposition);
> revoke the consent, where given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;
> propose a complaint to the Supervisory Authority in the event of a violation of the regulations on the protection of personal data;
> receive a copy of your data in electronic format and request that such data be transmitted to another data controller (right to data portability).
Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller or to the Data Protection Officer, identified in the person of Mr. Simone Marchetti, email address:
The services on this site are intended for a general audience and are not intended for children under the age of 14. The Data Controller does not knowingly collect personal data from users under this age group. In case of release of personal data belonging to a minor under the age of 14, the Data Controller will immediately cancel them.
This constitutes the "Privacy Policy" of this site and may be subject to periodic updates.